HomeLink Manual Transfer Switches

HomeLink™ manual transfer switches are easier to install and maintain than ever before and can be upgraded for automatic functionality with home standby generators up to 11kW by simply changing the original controller, eliminating the need for a new transfer switch.
This versatile transfer switch allows you to directly power hardwired appliances such as a gas furnace, well pump, and electric water heater. These vital appliances cannot be powered with extension cords, meaning HomeLink™ is a necessity when utility power is lost. Installation by an electrician recommended.

2 of 2 results showing

  • Product

    Homelink 30A MTS

    Base Model/SKU: Homelink-30A-MTS_

    Model Number: G0068521

  • Product

    Homelink 30A MTS w/ Power Inlet Box Resin

    Base Model/SKU: Homelink-30A-MTS-w-Power-Inlet-Box-Resin_

    Model Number: G0068531